
美麗人生可以簡簡單單中庸持平 It is a beautiful life and we shall enjoy it. 

分享 是唯一可以真切地感受生命的方式 Sharing is Loving. 

一個小小的客棧 將集聚著我小小的夢想 It is a seed that carrys my tiny little dream, 

這個夢想 將在我美麗的故鄉萌芽生長 I'm dreaming about a place that grows love in my home villiage Dulan. 

一個依著都蘭的好山好水好人家為起點的背包客住宿及客棧 "都蘭製"MID Everything in MID is about my Dulan. 

即將開幕 It is Opening Soon, 

敬請期待! Watch this space and come join us for a drink (or two)! 

我們台東見!See you in Dulan, Taitung!

背包客住宿 Backpackers accommodation

旅遊資訊及與在地相關的行程安排 Travel desk and information

美食料理 冷飲熱飲 好音樂好地方 Food and wine, exotic beverage, Good music and Good people. That makes it a Good place to be!  



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